
Showing posts from March, 2023

No Fooling! 7 Days Left to Apply for a Grant!

It’s the eve of April Fools Day, but we’re not joking - the WEF grant window will be closing in 1 week and you could get free money to bring your ideas to life! Visit our website for everything you need to know about applying for a grant and for useful resources.  Have questions as you work on finishing up your request? Reach out to Janaka, our Grants & Allocations Chair, at . All applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on April 7 in order to be considered.

A Pot of Gold--For Grants!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! If you're looking for gold, you could earn some by applying for a WEF grant. Did you hear the LUCKY news? In honor of our 20th anniversary and because of the amazing success we've had with our events and donations, this year, we're awarding !!! $50,000 !!! Once applications are submitted, they are reviewed and evaluated by a committee to determine which ones will receive funding from WEF. If your request is one that we will fulfill, you will receive funds to implement your project, program or initiative to benefit your students. Want to learn more about grants? Click here to access the application form, a sample budget template, helpful tips and more.  But don't forget....the deadline to submit your request is April 7 at 11:59 p.m.

GRANT SPOTLIGHT: Breaking Out of Chaos at Hillcrest

Who doesn’t love a good escape room? Breakout EDU came to Hillcrest Elementary thanks to a 2020 WEF grant, providing students and staff with a unique and fun team building and problem solving activity.  In addition to fostering collaboration and communication, Breakout EDU also promotes discourse. Students who may be hesitant to share their ideas in a classroom are less reserved in this fun setting and less fearful of sharing a wrong answer. Grant winner Andrea Weber reported that it has been positively received by students. “We saw student engagement increase and they learned how to work as a team. They were so excited when they knew we had breakouts planned.” #WEFGrantsWork